BECE EXAMS 2024Educational Guide

New SHS Subject Combination July 2024

SHS Subject Combination

Guidance On Subject Combinations And Timetabling For The New Senior High School (SHS), Senior High Technical School (SHTS) And Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics (Stem) Curriculum


This document provides guidance to schools as to how subject combinations will work for the new SHS, SHTS and STEM Curriculum. One of the key principles of this new curriculum is that there will be greater flexibility than has previously been the case.

Learners can now exit with a Minimum of 7 subjects (4 core and 3 electives) and a maximum of 9 Subjects (4 core and 5 electives) to be externally assessed through the WASSCE. In addition, learners may select additional subjects which can be studied for one year or two years instead of the full three years. These subjects will be assessed in the schools and the results captured in the transcripts, which can be used to supplement requirements in the tertiary admission.

All schools must adhere to the guidance in this note. External assessment will still take place through WASSCE.

JHS graduates entering the Senior High School will choose from 8 ‘Learning Areas’ – General Arts, Science, STEM, Applied Technology, Home Economics, Business, Agriculture and Art. This is dependent on the schools’ capacities, strength and focus areas, as far as the subjects are concerned.

Once they are placed in schools, learners will have much more freedom than is currently the case to combine different subjects around their chosen learning area. This provides learners with more flexible options to pursue different career options at the tertiary level.

This document provides comprehensive guidance to schools as to how these flexible options are to be put together. The Ministry of Education recognizes that the precise number of subject combinations which a school can offer depends upon the teachers and facilities present in that school, as well as focused areas. As such it is up to individual schools to make this guidance work for them based on their own unique situation.

Schools can make their own decisions if there are specific electives which they want to make compulsory for Year One ONLY, Year One and Two or FOR THE FULL DURATION OF THE PROGRAMME. If, for example, a particular school has a strong tradition and track record in Agriculture then they are free to choose to make Agriculture a mandatory subject for Year One learners, or for the duration of the programme, likewise if the school has a strong tradition in Business Studies or if they have sufficient teachers to make learning a language compulsory.

Each subject is to be timetabled for a minimum of 3 and maximum of 4 hours a week apart from PEH (Core) which is to be timetabled for 1 hour a week.

To ensure flexibility, certain subjects under the previous programmes, such as Home Economics and Business Studies, have been merged into one or two subjects. For example, Home Economics now covers Management in Living, Clothing and Textiles, and Food and Nutrition as major strands. Business Studies is a single, combined subject in Year One and then, in Years Two and Three it has been divided into two subjects- i.) Business Management and ii.) Accounting. Learners will now be able to combine Home Economics or Business Studies with other subject combinations which would not have been possible before.

Subjects under the Visual Arts programme have been merged to form two distinct subjects: Arts and Design Studio and Arts and Design Foundation. Arts and Design Studio covers Painting, Textiles, Ceramics, Sculpture, and Graphic Design, while Arts and Design Foundation focuses on fundamental principles of drawing, art and

Applied Technology covers Automotive Technology, Building Construction Technology, Electrical and Electronics Technology, Metal Technology, and Woodwork Design and Communications Technology (Technical Drawing) equips students with essential skills, knowledge, and competencies applicable to Applied Technology, Arts and Design, Home Economics, and Engineering. This subject encompasses conceptual drawing including free hand sketches, graphic communications, and extended drawing. All these aspects will be covered in Year One and learners then have the opportunity to specialize in Years Two and Three.



The new curriculum makes room for students who need extra support in English and Mathematics to do Intervention English and Intervention Mathematics, to help boost their proficiency levels. Initially, in the 2024/25 academic year these Intervention subjects will be introduced in 274 SHS and SHTS, before being rolled out to all school from 2025/26 onwards.

In the first week of enrollment at the start of Year One, these 274 schools are required to do two things:

  1. Conduct and mark a Mathematics and English Language assessment provided by NaCCA for all new learners who have joined from JHS. Learners who score below a certain mark during these assessments will need support and are required to offer one or both of Intervention English and Intervention Mathematics to be timetabled during the school day. These intervention subjects will have to be taken in addition to Core Mathematics and Core English Language.
  2. Give each learner a choice of different subject combinations using the guidance set out below for each Learning Area. Schools should ensure that they spend time with learners explaining about each subject and what is involved before learners choose their combinations. The Ministry of Education recognizes that schools may be constrained by the number of teachers, facilities and other timetabling constraints so do not have to offer all of the subject combinations set out in this guidance note. Every school should endeavour to offer as many options as they can within these constraints.


Learning Areas

Schools can choose the following Learning Areas (formerly Programmes) when they apply for Senior High School Admission:

  1. Science
  2. General Arts
  3. Business
  4. Applied Technology
  5. Home Economics
  6. Art
  7. Agriculture
  8. STEM

Candidates can now choose their preferred subjects from the following Learning Areas when they are enrolled in the Senior High School:

  1. Science
  2. General Arts
  3. Business
  4. Applied Technology
  5. Home Economics
  6. Art
  7. STEM
  8. Agriculture
  9. Language

For each Learning Area there are core and elective subjects. The possible combinations for each of the Learning Areas are set out on the following pages

GROUP A (MAIN CORE) GROUP B (SCHOOL-DESIGNATED CORE) these are elective subjects which individual schools can choose to make core subjects if they so wish GROUP C (ADDITIONAL ELECTIVES)
1.      Mathematics

2.      Social Studies

3.      English Language

4.      General Science

5.      PEH (Core but not externally examinable)


  1. Agriculture
  2. Additional Mathematics
  3. PEH (elective)
  4. Robotics
  5. Engineering
  6. Aviation & Aerospace
  7. Biomedical Science
  8. Manufacturing
  9. Agricultural Science
  10. ICT

11.  RME

12.  French

13.  Ghanaian Languages

14.  Literature in English

15.  Art and Design Foundation

16.  Business Studies


  1. Art and Design Studio
  2. Applied Technology
  3. Design & Communication Technology
  4. Home Economics
  5. Performing Arts
  6. Biology
  7. Chemistry
  8. Computing
  9. Physics
  10. Economics
  11. Geography
  12. Government
  13. History
  14. Religious Studies
  15. Arabic



For every learner who has selected ‘Science’ as their Learning Area the subjects below are MANDATORY. Each learner must do a MINIMUM OF TWO AND MAXIMUM OF FOUR of the subjects below. Learners may also choose ONE OR TWO of the subjects below. Learners may also choose ONE of the subjects below.


1.      Mathematics

2.      Social Studies

3.      English Language

4.      PEH (core) (not externally examinable)


1.      Agriculture

2.      Biology

3.      Chemistry

4.      Computing

5.      Physics

6.      Additional Mathematics

7.      PEH (elective)

8.      Robotics

9.      Engineering

10.  Aviation & Aerospace

1.      ICT

2.      Art and Design Studio

3.      Applied Technology

4.      Design & Communication Technology

5.      Home Economics

6.      Performing Arts

7.      Business Studies

8.      Art and Design Foundation

9.      RME

10.  Agricultural Science


  1. Economics
  2. Geography
  3. Government
  4. History
  5. Religious Studies
  6. Ghanaian Languages
  7. Arabic
  8. French
  9. Literature in English



In addition, learners who have been identified as needing support following their initial English and Mathematics assessment are required to offer one or both of Intervention English and Intervention Mathematics. These will have to be taken instead of one or two of the electives listed above.



For every learner who has selected ‘General Arts’ as their Learning Area the subjects below are MANDATORY. Each learner must do a MINIMUM OF TWO and MAXIMUM OF FOUR of the subjects below. Learners may also choose ONE OR TWO of the subjects below.


Learners may also choose ONE of the subjects below.


1.      Mathematics

2.      Social Studies

3.      English Language

4.      General Science

  1. PEH (core) (not externally examinable)


1.      Economics

2.      Geography

3.      Government

4.      History

5.      Religious Studies

6.      Literature in English


1.      ICT

2.      Applied Technology

3.      Design & Communication Technology

4.      Art and Design Foundation

5.      Art and Design Studio

6.      Home Economics

7.      Performing Arts

8.      Business Studies

9.      Ghanaian Languages

10.  Arabic

11.  French

1.      Agriculture

2.      Biology

3.      Chemistry

4.      Computing

5.      Physics

6.      Additional Mathematics

7.      PEH (elective)

8.      Agricultural Science



In addition, learners who have been identified as needing support following their initial English and Mathematics assessment are required to offer one or both of Intervention English and Intervention Mathematics. These will have to be taken instead of one or two of the electives listed above.



For every learner who has selected ‘Business’ as their Learning Area the subjects below are MANDATORY Each learner must do a MINIMUM OF THREE AND MAXIMUM OF FIVE of the subjects below. Learners may also choose ONE OR TWO of the subjects below.


Learners may also choose ONE of the subjects below.


1.      Mathematics

2.      Social Studies

3.      English Language

4.      General Science

5.      PEH (not externally examinable)


In Year One all students MUST do:

1.             Business Studies


Then in Years Two and Three they MUST do the following:


1.    Business Management

2.    Accounting


And between ONE and THREE of the following:


1.      Economics

2.      ICT

3.      Additional Mathematics


1.      Geography

2.      Government

3.      History

4.      Religious Studies

5.      Literature in English

6.      Applied Technology

7.      Computing

8.      Design & Communication Technology

9.      Art and Design Foundation

10.  Art and Design Studio

11.  Home Economics

12.  Performing Arts

13.  Ghanaian Languages

14.  Arabic

15.  French


1.      Agriculture

2.      Biology

3.      Chemistry

4.      Physics

5.      PEH (elective)

6.      Agricultural Science



In addition, learners who have been identified as needing support following their initial English and Mathematics assessment are required to offer one or both of Intervention English and Intervention Mathematics. These will have to be taken instead of one or two of the electives listed above.



For every learner who has selected ‘Applied Technology’ as their Learning Area the subjects below are MANDATORY Each learner must do a MINIMUM OF TWO AND MAXIMUM OF FOUR of the subjects below. Learners may also choose ONE OR TWO of the subjects below.


Learners may also choose ONE or TWO of the subjects below.


1.      Mathematics

2.      Social Studies

3.      English Language

4.      General Science

5.      PEH (not externally examinable)


Each learner MUST do the following:

1.      Design & Communication Technology (MANDATORY)


ONE of the following:

1.      Applied Technology (Automobile and Metal Technology)

2.      Applied Technology (Building Construction and Wood Technology)

3.      Applied Technology (Electrical and Electronic Technology)


PLUS ONE or TWO of the following:

1.      ICT

2.      Physics

3.      Additional Mathematics

4.      Art and Design Foundation

1.      Agriculture

2.      Biology

3.      Chemistry

4.      Computing

5.      PEH (elective)

6.      Home Economics

7.      Computing

8.      Business Studies

9.      Art and Design Studio

10.  Home Economics

11.  Performing Arts

12.  Agricultural Science





1.      Geography

2.      Economics

3.      Government

4.      History

5.      Religious Studies

6.      Literature in English

7.      Ghanaian Languages

8.      Arabic

9.      French


In addition, learners who have been identified as needing support following their initial English and Mathematics assessment are required to offer one or both of Intervention English and Intervention Mathematics. These will have to be taken instead of one or two of the electives listed above.



For every learner who has selected ‘Home Economics’ as their Learning Area the subjects below are MANDATORY Each learner must do a MINIMUM OF TWO AND MAXIMUM OF FOUR of the subjects below.


Learners may also choose ONE OR TWO of the subjects below.


Learners may also choose ONE of the subjects below.


1.      Mathematics

2.      Social Studies

3.      English Language

4.      General Science

5.      PEH (not externally examinable)


Each learner MUST do the following:


1.      Home Economics


And one, two or three of the following:


1.      Biology

2.      Design & Communication Technology

3.      PEH (elective)

4.      Agriculture


1.      Applied Technology

2.      Business Studies

3.      Art and Design Foundation

4.      Art and Design Studio

5.      Performing Arts

6.      Chemistry

7.      Physics

8.      Additional Mathematics

9.      ICT

10.  Agricultural Science




1.      Geography

2.      Government

3.      History

4.      Religious Studies

5.      Literature in English

6.      Ghanaian Languages

7.      Arabic

8.      French

9.      Economics

10.  Computing





In addition, learners who have been identified as needing support following their initial English and Mathematics assessment are required to offer one or both of Intervention English and Intervention Mathematics. These will have to be taken instead of one or two of the electives listed above.



For every learner who has selected ‘Art’ as their Learning Area the subjects below are MANDATORY. Each learner must do a MINIMUM OF TWO AND MAXIMUM OF FOUR of the subjects below. Learners may also choose ONE OR TWO of the subjects below.


Learners may also choose ONE of the subjects below.


1.      Mathematics

2.      Social Studies

3.      English Language

4.      General Science

5.      PEH (not externally examinable)


Each learner MUST do the following:

1.      Art and Design Foundation


And ONE, TWO or THREE of the following:


1.      Art and Design Studio

2.      Performing Arts

3.      Design & Communication Technology

4.      ICT

1.      Applied Technology

2.      Home Economics

3.      Business Studies

4.      Economics

5.      Geography

6.      Government

7.      History

8.      Religious Studies

9.      Literature in English

10.  Ghanaian Languages

11.  Arabic

12.  French


1.      Agriculture

2.      Biology

3.      Chemistry

4.      Computing

5.      Physics

6.      Additional Mathematics

7.      PEH (elective)

8.      Agricultural Science



In addition, learners who have been identified as needing support following their initial English and Mathematics assessment are required to offer one or both of Intervention English and Intervention Mathematics. These will have to be taken instead of one or two of the electives listed above.



For every learner who has selected ‘Agriculture’ as their Learning Area the subjects below are MANDATORY In addition to Agriculture each learner must do a MINIMUM OF ONE AND MAXIMUM OF THREE of the subjects below. Learners may also choose ONE, TWO or THREE of the subjects below.


Learners may also choose ONE of the subjects below.


1.      Mathematics

2.      Social Studies

3.      English Language

4.      General Science

5.      PEH (not externally examinable)









Each learner MUST do the following:


1.      Agriculture


In addition to ONE, TWO or THREE of the following:


1.      Chemistry

2.      Physics

3.      Biology

4.      Computing

5.      Additional Mathematics



1.      ICT

2.      Applied Technology

3.      Home Economics

4.      Business Studies

5.      RME

6.      Art and Design Foundation

7.      Art and Design Studio

8.      Design & Communication Technology

9.      Performing Arts

10.  Ghanaian Languages

11.  French

12.  Arabic


1.      Economics

2.      Geography

3.      Government

4.      History

5.      Literature in English

6.      Religious Studies

N.B. students who select Chemistry, Physics and Biology will be exempted from taking General Science.

In addition, learners who have been identified as needing support following their initial English and Mathematics assessment are required to offer one or both of Intervention English and Intervention Mathematics. These will have to be taken instead of one or two of the electives listed above.



For every learner who has selected ‘Languages’ as their Learning Area the subjects below are MANDATORY Each learner must do a MINIMUM OF ONE AND MAXIMUM OF THREE of the subjects below. Learners may also choose ONE, TWO or THREE of the subjects below.


Learners may also choose ONE of the subjects below.


1.      Mathematics

2.      Social Studies

3.      English Language

4.      General Science

5.      PEH (not externally examinable)


1.      Ghanaian Languages

2.      French

3.      Arabic

4.      Literature in English




1.      ICT

2.      Applied Technology

3.      Home Economics

4.      Business Studies

5.      Economics

6.      Geography

7.      Government

8.      History

9.      Religious Studies

10.  Art and Design Foundation

11.  Art and Design Studio

12.  Design & Communication Technology

13.  Performing Arts


1.      Agriculture

2.      Biology

3.      Chemistry

4.      Computing

5.      Physics

6.      Additional Mathematics

7.      PEH (elective)

8.      Agricultural Science


In addition, learners who have been identified as needing support following their initial English and Mathematics assessment are required to offer one or both of Intervention English and Intervention Mathematics. These will have to be taken instead of one or two of the electives listed above.


LEARNING AREA NINE: STEM (For Designated STEM Schools Only)

For every learner who has selected ‘STEM’ as their Learning Area the subjects below are MANDATORY Each learner must do FOUR of the subjects below


Learners may also choose ONE OR TWO of the subjects below.


Learners may also choose ONE of the subjects below.


1.      Mathematics

2.      Social Studies

3.      English Language

4.      PEH (not externally examinable)


ONE OR TWO of the following:

1.      Engineering

2.      Biomedical Science

3.      Aviation & Aerospace

4.      Agriculture

5.      Manufacturing


TWO OR THREE of the following:

1.      Robotics

2.      Chemistry

3.      Biology

4.      Physics

5.      Additional Mathematics

6.      Computing

7.      PEH (elective)


1.      ICT

2.      Applied Technology

3.      Home Economics

4.      Business Studies

5.      Art and Design Foundation

6.      Art and Design Studio

7.      Performing Arts

8.      Agricultural Science



1.      Economics

2.      Geography

3.      Government

4.      History

5.      Religious Studies

6.      Literature in English

7.      Ghanaian Languages

8.      Arabic

9.      French



In addition, learners who have been identified as needing support following their initial English and Mathematics assessment are required to offer one or both of Intervention English and Intervention Mathematics. These will have to be taken instead of one or two of the electives listed above.



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